Woah... i absolutely loved it!
This sort of showed me to NOT judge a movie by its cover, pretty obviously i thught this movie would be bad. I was completely wrong....
The story can be confusing at times, but it is really amazing what twist is at the end.
I dont think this movie gets enough credit, because i certainly had never heard of it beofre i saw it one time at the video store.
Edward Norton - what can i say! I was trying to work out through the whole movie where i knew him from another movie.
FINALLY worked out it was the italian job! But enough of that, he was great in this movie! P-E-R-F-E-C-T for his role!
Paul Giamatti - just want to say his name .. because he was another amazing actor in this movie!
Definetly would recommend this movie, especially if you like Edward Norton or 'magical' movies. This will not disappiont you!

Good News

I loved it. Seriously, yet again Billy Bob Thornton has proven to be a genious and aced his role. He is hella funny when his character is mean to kids.. not sure why but i was loving every minute of it. No bad news for this movie :)

It Stinks

When I say this film stinks.. i mean its really good. It has its funny moments, its hilarious moments and those few times when it just wasn't as good as it could be. I enjoyed watching this, and i'm pretty sure most people would aswell.

Men In Black

This movie is way cool. It should get more credit for it, its funny and it has two great actors in it - Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith :)

One of the Best

Its an amazing movie. No doubt about that! Its also very sad and emotional, but that comes with it. I can definetly say that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Not the Best

Yep, Its definetly not the best movie but i'll have to say its probably the best Spider-man movie. Even though im not a mega fan of superhero movies this one was pretty good.

Good Stuff

Love it. Nothing else to say except Rock on Red Hot Chili Peppers!


It could have been better, I admit, but i really enjoyed watching this and can I saw Ben Stiller is the man!


I absolutely love it. Not just for Johnhy Depp, but for this amazing story. I think I cried, but at the end i was left smiling, because this movie is truly great and should be seen by all..


Who wouldnt love this movie?? It has an awesome soundtrack to go with it aswell.. but what is it with penguin movies lately?? Anyway, im pretty sure that most people would enjoy this.