Everyone that I know that has seen this movie has loved it, so its no different for me. Though I must admit I didnt think i would like it nearly as much as I did.
Oh and i'll just saw that the special effects were awesome!!
Loved It

Not the Best of the Series

I was expecting a bit more from this movie, I wanted to see it in Cinemas but never got around to it. So I was waiting for ages to see it, so I got it as soon as it came out on DVD here.
Other people have said different things about this film - some people loved it, some hated it. The idea of having a third one was fantastic to me, seeing heaps of my favourite actors together again. I still liked (loved) the first one the best, its the most original and yet the best. Maybe this one just didn't have enough action for my liking? I can't really pin-point what it is that makes this one my least favourite of the 'ocean's' series of movies.
Actually when I think about it this one was quite original. I liked it because you didn't really think, it was visually appealing so that you didn't have to listen to every detail to figure out what was going on in this movie. That's a good thing, and really the story was great. I loved the whole Vegas and Casino thing, some of the footage of it was spectacular. And although the others are quite serious when you think about it, this one had a funny side to it, heaps of hilarious ideas came into this movie which made it more entertaining to watch.
The acting was okay-ish. Nothing special, I mean there was an all-star cast to this movie but each character didn't really have a huge part therefore I didn't really connect to the characters as much as you can in the others. It was cool to see Al Pacino as the bad guy though, I felt he did that part to perfection.
I am by no means saying this was crap and not to see it, but I was expecting it to be the best of the series and it wasn't. But still, you should really go and see this movie if you haven't already and you loved the others, this has many things in common with them. But if you didn't like the others, maybe you should give this a miss.
Other people have said different things about this film - some people loved it, some hated it. The idea of having a third one was fantastic to me, seeing heaps of my favourite actors together again. I still liked (loved) the first one the best, its the most original and yet the best. Maybe this one just didn't have enough action for my liking? I can't really pin-point what it is that makes this one my least favourite of the 'ocean's' series of movies.
Actually when I think about it this one was quite original. I liked it because you didn't really think, it was visually appealing so that you didn't have to listen to every detail to figure out what was going on in this movie. That's a good thing, and really the story was great. I loved the whole Vegas and Casino thing, some of the footage of it was spectacular. And although the others are quite serious when you think about it, this one had a funny side to it, heaps of hilarious ideas came into this movie which made it more entertaining to watch.
The acting was okay-ish. Nothing special, I mean there was an all-star cast to this movie but each character didn't really have a huge part therefore I didn't really connect to the characters as much as you can in the others. It was cool to see Al Pacino as the bad guy though, I felt he did that part to perfection.
I am by no means saying this was crap and not to see it, but I was expecting it to be the best of the series and it wasn't. But still, you should really go and see this movie if you haven't already and you loved the others, this has many things in common with them. But if you didn't like the others, maybe you should give this a miss.

Surprisingly good

A lot better than i expected for sure! Before seeing this i was not interested in hp at all, i used to love it, but i started to think it was a bit stupid.
But, i am VERY glad i saw this! My friend is obsessed, and im glad she convinsed me to go with her and see it.
Its if not the most, one of the most sucessful movies in fiilm history. And this movie got me back in to the 'HP buzz'
The fighting scene at the end with Voldemort and Dumbeldore was way cool! I wish it went for longer.
Although it was a while ago that iread the book, it was clear that they cut out a LOT of stuff from the book. Order of the Pheonix is the longest book, but the shortest film out of the series.
Daniel, Emma and Rupert are getting old, definetly noticable, soon they will be looking way lod to play their characters, buut the films just wouldnt be the same without them.
Two thumbs right up!
Oh, and, just want to say, i HATE Umbridge or whatever her name is ....
But, i am VERY glad i saw this! My friend is obsessed, and im glad she convinsed me to go with her and see it.
Its if not the most, one of the most sucessful movies in fiilm history. And this movie got me back in to the 'HP buzz'
The fighting scene at the end with Voldemort and Dumbeldore was way cool! I wish it went for longer.
Although it was a while ago that iread the book, it was clear that they cut out a LOT of stuff from the book. Order of the Pheonix is the longest book, but the shortest film out of the series.
Daniel, Emma and Rupert are getting old, definetly noticable, soon they will be looking way lod to play their characters, buut the films just wouldnt be the same without them.
Two thumbs right up!
Oh, and, just want to say, i HATE Umbridge or whatever her name is ....


Its definetly a lot more of a dark look to spiderman. I didnt enjoy it as much as the first but probably more than the second in the series. Yup, Spidey goes Emo! Thats all I can say :)

THE best

I love it. Completely.. every year there's more tallent though sometimes the winners end up as losers. But oh well, i love to watch this show!

Officially the Best!

Yup, its true. Its my favourite TV show to watch. Although ive seen almost every episode I never get bored of watching the simpsons even if it's a repeat.. The funniest TV can get ;]

Awesome Dude

I love it! I know, I know.. strange watching people do crazy stuff and enjoy it. But I do!

Want to see!

I really really really want to see it. Seriously, i'm beginning to love Billy Bob Thornton and this looks like 'School for Scondrels' which I saw recently and loved. So i'll just say - I cant wait to see it!


This would have to be my FAV Tim Burton film besides Edward Scissorhands!
GREAT acting
FUNNY story
and AMAZING directing
Tim Burton is a genious!
I love this movie to bits, everyone should see it!
GREAT acting
FUNNY story
and AMAZING directing
Tim Burton is a genious!
I love this movie to bits, everyone should see it!


This would have to go up there in my 'Funniest films of all time' movie list. Because truly, it is HILLARIOUS! Ben Stiller.. Matt Dillon, Cameron Diaz...... All of them make this movie unforgettable!