Fab-ul-ous movie. The best movie ive seen in ages, some parts i was laughing my head off, some i was very (i mean VERY) sad.
Ok, so Olive was a bit eh. I liked her character, but not really the actor.
I personally thought Alan Arkin was a great role in this movie, very funny quotes by him.
I love the part where he chucks a spaz about the chicken. classic.
One thing: Why is Dwane suddenly colourblind because of one test? I felt so sorry for him then, but then again, at least he started talking again.
I would see this, even if yor not too sure about it. It is enjoyable and fun to watch, so go, borrow it, buy it, whatever. You just have to see for yourself.
Watch it NOW


It was absolutely hillarious! Seriously - I didnt think it would be this good!
It was truly an amazing musical and had many many funny parts to it aswell. I was surprised to see so many good actors in it like Christopher Walken, Amanda Bynes and Queen Latifa who I didnt think were in it!
It was truly an amazing musical and had many many funny parts to it aswell. I was surprised to see so many good actors in it like Christopher Walken, Amanda Bynes and Queen Latifa who I didnt think were in it!

Freaky Stuff

What a fantastic movie! I loved it!
Definetly would recommend this, its freeeeaky but awesome all the same!You've gotta love the special effects expecially when he's got the flames.
If you havn't seen it, go now, i mean now, right now! quick you can't miss it!!!
Definetly would recommend this, its freeeeaky but awesome all the same!You've gotta love the special effects expecially when he's got the flames.
If you havn't seen it, go now, i mean now, right now! quick you can't miss it!!!

Accepted review

haha, as a random choice i saw this.
I had no idea what it was going to be like. I guess it was just a random pick from the video store. But im glad i did.
It was pretty funny, apart from a few lame jokes. The story is origional and hillarious;
teenagers just graduating from high school that can't get into college make up a college from an old hospital.
they have to have it looking like a real college for their parents when they come to visit. But all they really do is skate, swim and chill out. no real college.
And guess what the the college is called (one of the funniest jokes of the movie):
South Harland Institute of Technology
In other words ... SHIT
haha SHIT heads.
lol, you should really see this one! a good laugh and entertainment for a rainy day. or just to chill out. :)
I had no idea what it was going to be like. I guess it was just a random pick from the video store. But im glad i did.
It was pretty funny, apart from a few lame jokes. The story is origional and hillarious;
teenagers just graduating from high school that can't get into college make up a college from an old hospital.
they have to have it looking like a real college for their parents when they come to visit. But all they really do is skate, swim and chill out. no real college.
And guess what the the college is called (one of the funniest jokes of the movie):
South Harland Institute of Technology
In other words ... SHIT
haha SHIT heads.
lol, you should really see this one! a good laugh and entertainment for a rainy day. or just to chill out. :)


It was an amazing movie. so sad, inspirational and moving.
It tells the life story of Johnny Cash (Joacquin Phoenix) as a musician, from his depressing childhood, to starting his career as a musician, to his downfall on drugs and his love June Carter (Reese Witherspoon).
I thought the acting was extrodinary by both Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, allong with all the other supporting actors.
I found it amazing that all vocals of Johnny Cash were by Joaquin Phoenix, as were the vocals of comedian/singer June Carter by Reese Witherspoon.
Really should see it, and if you do get ready to be glued to the seat with amazment of how good this movie truly is till the end.
It tells the life story of Johnny Cash (Joacquin Phoenix) as a musician, from his depressing childhood, to starting his career as a musician, to his downfall on drugs and his love June Carter (Reese Witherspoon).
I thought the acting was extrodinary by both Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, allong with all the other supporting actors.
I found it amazing that all vocals of Johnny Cash were by Joaquin Phoenix, as were the vocals of comedian/singer June Carter by Reese Witherspoon.
Really should see it, and if you do get ready to be glued to the seat with amazment of how good this movie truly is till the end.

Dirty Harry

'You've gotta ask your self a question. Do I feel Lucky? Well, do ya ... punk'
I only just saw this for the first time a while ago, i knew i had to watch it, it being such a classic.
Its full of action and suspence. Which is my type of movie.
Its a really freaky story actually, that the badie (i forgot his name) would do such things. you know what i say ... those poor school kids!
Now for Clint Eastwood! Classic actor! I havnt seen him in much movies but i guess this is his most well known role as dirty harry and certainly his best!
Because This movie is so old I really don't know any of the other actors in this movie, but whoever they were, they did great!
When watching this movie you kinda have to realise the time it was made in order to respect the special effects. Apparently it was like the best thing when it first came out, so it really makes you think when you realise these special effects were amazing for its time!
It is a classic movie, truly, its kinda like 'see it or die'.
If you havnt already seen this then wake up, get out there and see it! classic action adventure for pure entertainment from start to finish!
I only just saw this for the first time a while ago, i knew i had to watch it, it being such a classic.
Its full of action and suspence. Which is my type of movie.
Its a really freaky story actually, that the badie (i forgot his name) would do such things. you know what i say ... those poor school kids!
Now for Clint Eastwood! Classic actor! I havnt seen him in much movies but i guess this is his most well known role as dirty harry and certainly his best!
Because This movie is so old I really don't know any of the other actors in this movie, but whoever they were, they did great!
When watching this movie you kinda have to realise the time it was made in order to respect the special effects. Apparently it was like the best thing when it first came out, so it really makes you think when you realise these special effects were amazing for its time!
It is a classic movie, truly, its kinda like 'see it or die'.
If you havnt already seen this then wake up, get out there and see it! classic action adventure for pure entertainment from start to finish!

I Love 007!

A reallly good movie...i really enjoyed it.
Daniel Craig was a good james bond, well, kind of average, because i still have my favourite.
There were some really good action scenes in this, but some quite unbelievable.. but I guess thats James Bond, eh?
There were actually some really funny lines in it, i was in a cinema full of people and every 5 mins or so they all laughed.
He is a different "bond" character, which some parts good... but some parts bad..
James Bond fans definetly see this!
Daniel Craig was a good james bond, well, kind of average, because i still have my favourite.
There were some really good action scenes in this, but some quite unbelievable.. but I guess thats James Bond, eh?
There were actually some really funny lines in it, i was in a cinema full of people and every 5 mins or so they all laughed.
He is a different "bond" character, which some parts good... but some parts bad..
James Bond fans definetly see this!

Great Twist

Now THIS is a great movie!
Right up there in my fav movies, and for so many reasons ..
Its confusing at times, well, the first time you see it. But it is genious and i guarentee when you see it you will love the ending.
AMAZING acting by Jason Statham! Wesley Snipes - Perfect bad guy for this movie. Aand rising star Ryan Phillipe would have got a lot out of this movie. Definetly great acting from him!
Great Twist at the end, really amazing movie, well worth the rating!
Right up there in my fav movies, and for so many reasons ..
Its confusing at times, well, the first time you see it. But it is genious and i guarentee when you see it you will love the ending.
AMAZING acting by Jason Statham! Wesley Snipes - Perfect bad guy for this movie. Aand rising star Ryan Phillipe would have got a lot out of this movie. Definetly great acting from him!
Great Twist at the end, really amazing movie, well worth the rating!


I absolutely love Good Charlotte because of this album. I love every song on this.. hell yeah i'm seeing Good Charlotte in October :D:D


I loved reading this book - it was enjoyable and tells an amazing story. Probably one of the best Aussie books.