I really liked this movie!
I was surprised, just from looking at it and reading the blurb it seems like its going to be a dull, boring movie! but its not, infact, its the complete opposite!
Ok, so this movie is pretty hard to follow in my oppinion. I'll just say basically what its about.
So the movie is all about a man called Harrold Crick. He is ... well ... a normal guy i guess. Until he starts hearing his life narrated by an unfamiliar female voice. First he doesnt think much of it, but it keeps happening everytime he does ... something!
He soon discovers the secrets of his life from the voice and finds out about his eventual death ... so Harrlod Crick has to find the narrator (the author) before its too late and the story is finished.
Will Ferrel was just pretty much himself in this movie, and in my oppinion he was exactly the perfect person to be Harrlod Crick.
Emma Thompson was great. I never really knew who she was before this movie, but seriously she is great and ill look foward to seeing other movies with her. Great voice for the narrating.
Other stand out performances by Dustin Hoffman (perfect for his role) and i guess Queen Latifa aswell.
One bad thing/person about the acting in this movie is Maggie Gyllenhall. I dont know who she is but i dont want to. One movie with her is enough for me. Very poor acting by her in my opinion.
If not for her and a few other minor things this movie would have got 5 stars... thus the 4 1/2.
Its funny, entertaining, romantic and full of drama. A must see movie and i sure would love to see it again sometime!

Funny Stuff

Hello my name a borat i come from a Kazakhstan.
High Five!
This movie is freaking hillarious! Buut you have to see it to believe it!
Borat was waaaaaaay better than Ali G in my oppinion. Sacha Baron Cohen Is the funniest ever though!
I can't get his voice out of my head.
There are so many funny parts in this movie, too many to mention,,
There is only one thing to critisise about this movie. Two Naked men wrestling is not entertaining. Apart from that, genious!
'What's up with it, Vanilla face? Me and my homie Azamat just parked our slab outside. We're looking for somewhere to post up our Black asses for the night. So, uh, bang bang, skeet skeet, nigga. Just a couple of pimps, no hos.'
High Five!
This movie is freaking hillarious! Buut you have to see it to believe it!
Borat was waaaaaaay better than Ali G in my oppinion. Sacha Baron Cohen Is the funniest ever though!
I can't get his voice out of my head.
There are so many funny parts in this movie, too many to mention,,
There is only one thing to critisise about this movie. Two Naked men wrestling is not entertaining. Apart from that, genious!
'What's up with it, Vanilla face? Me and my homie Azamat just parked our slab outside. We're looking for somewhere to post up our Black asses for the night. So, uh, bang bang, skeet skeet, nigga. Just a couple of pimps, no hos.'


A good movie, entertaining and lots of action, which is what I like in a movie.
A confusing and perplexing plot, as though it's not just what meets the eye.. but it still manages to keep the viewer enthralled and entertained throughout it's length.
The ending was a bit sudden, but going back on it now I think it's what the movie needed. Not satisfying but it seems as if most questions have been answered and the mystery has finally been resolved. An awesome and entertaining movie.-
A confusing and perplexing plot, as though it's not just what meets the eye.. but it still manages to keep the viewer enthralled and entertained throughout it's length.
The ending was a bit sudden, but going back on it now I think it's what the movie needed. Not satisfying but it seems as if most questions have been answered and the mystery has finally been resolved. An awesome and entertaining movie.-


This movie is HILLARIOUS!
I love it! Definetly one of my fav's! David Spade is a funny guy =]
Buut the first time seeing this is always the best. Even the second time i noticed i wasn't laughing as much..
This is a MUST SEE movie! it tops my funniest movies of all time list and is definetly way up there in my favourite movies, hope thats good enough reason for you to GO SEE IT NOW
I love it! Definetly one of my fav's! David Spade is a funny guy =]
Buut the first time seeing this is always the best. Even the second time i noticed i wasn't laughing as much..
This is a MUST SEE movie! it tops my funniest movies of all time list and is definetly way up there in my favourite movies, hope thats good enough reason for you to GO SEE IT NOW


This movie is amazing!
I had been wanting to get it for a while, and i'm so glad i did!
Its one of those movies where you really feel conected to the story and characters.
Its a sad but inspirational story of Chris Gardner and his tradgic life.
Soon himself and his son are evicted from their apartment, his car taken away and no real job.
Together they were left with no money and nowhere to go.
This movie (inspired by a true story) tells of Chris and his son in pursuit of happyness and a better life.
Will Smith surprised me with this movie. In a good way ofcourse. He made the movie a lot more interesting, i can understand how it must have been hard to be Chris Gardner. But he did it amazingly. No one could have done better ..
Its a real tear-jerker, so have some tissues nerby.
I found it really amazing that the acting in this movie could be so brilliant. I really felt connected to the story when watching this. I couldn't wait to find out how it would end.
Overall an amazing, inspirational film. Everyone should see it. I hope my review will convince you to, because this is truly one of the best.
I had been wanting to get it for a while, and i'm so glad i did!
Its one of those movies where you really feel conected to the story and characters.
Its a sad but inspirational story of Chris Gardner and his tradgic life.
Soon himself and his son are evicted from their apartment, his car taken away and no real job.
Together they were left with no money and nowhere to go.
This movie (inspired by a true story) tells of Chris and his son in pursuit of happyness and a better life.
Will Smith surprised me with this movie. In a good way ofcourse. He made the movie a lot more interesting, i can understand how it must have been hard to be Chris Gardner. But he did it amazingly. No one could have done better ..
Its a real tear-jerker, so have some tissues nerby.
I found it really amazing that the acting in this movie could be so brilliant. I really felt connected to the story when watching this. I couldn't wait to find out how it would end.
Overall an amazing, inspirational film. Everyone should see it. I hope my review will convince you to, because this is truly one of the best.


This movie is amazing! and in so many ways......
Ok, it still doesnt beat the first one, but still one of my fav movies. Who wouldn't like it?
I absolutely LOVE pirates of the caribbean, and with this one comes no difference. It is officialy the best series of movies ever. No doubt about it. In this one the crew sail to 'the end of the earth' (davy jones' locker) no rescue back witty jack sparrow. Many problems and twists in this resulting in an end you will never guess. I have no say my favourite part was; being a huge johnny depp fan, the part with all the jack sparrow's in davy jones' locker...
Well obviously the first actor i will mention did the most amazing job (as he does in all other potc films)......JOHNNY DEPP is i will say the most amazing and tallented and good looking actor you will ever see on screen. He is so natural as the role of jack sparrow, the movie just wouldn't be the same without johnny depp.
Next ofcourse Will Turner aka Orlando Bloom was another great actor. He ia seriously perfect for will turner, you can't get much better than that.
Keira Knightley was the only really average acting in this movie. Unlike the others, the movie could have done without her and perhaps a different actor. I dont know, maybe its just me....
Another person to mention is Jack Davenport who plays Commodore Norrington. I never really noticed him or how much i adore him until this movie. He is AMAZING!
Other mentions Bill Nighy as once again a great job.
Pirates have seriously the best mix of actors and actresses, all(well, most) of them being perfect for their character personalities.
I really can't put into words how to describe this movie. Its just a 'must see' movie. If you havnt already (which you must be crazy not to have) you simply MUST see it.
Yes, 5 stars, but not completely 100% just because of a few things about it that i didnt like. but still very close. ;)
remember to watch the clip at the end of the credits aswell.
Ok, it still doesnt beat the first one, but still one of my fav movies. Who wouldn't like it?
I absolutely LOVE pirates of the caribbean, and with this one comes no difference. It is officialy the best series of movies ever. No doubt about it. In this one the crew sail to 'the end of the earth' (davy jones' locker) no rescue back witty jack sparrow. Many problems and twists in this resulting in an end you will never guess. I have no say my favourite part was; being a huge johnny depp fan, the part with all the jack sparrow's in davy jones' locker...
Well obviously the first actor i will mention did the most amazing job (as he does in all other potc films)......JOHNNY DEPP is i will say the most amazing and tallented and good looking actor you will ever see on screen. He is so natural as the role of jack sparrow, the movie just wouldn't be the same without johnny depp.
Next ofcourse Will Turner aka Orlando Bloom was another great actor. He ia seriously perfect for will turner, you can't get much better than that.
Keira Knightley was the only really average acting in this movie. Unlike the others, the movie could have done without her and perhaps a different actor. I dont know, maybe its just me....
Another person to mention is Jack Davenport who plays Commodore Norrington. I never really noticed him or how much i adore him until this movie. He is AMAZING!
Other mentions Bill Nighy as once again a great job.
Pirates have seriously the best mix of actors and actresses, all(well, most) of them being perfect for their character personalities.
I really can't put into words how to describe this movie. Its just a 'must see' movie. If you havnt already (which you must be crazy not to have) you simply MUST see it.
Yes, 5 stars, but not completely 100% just because of a few things about it that i didnt like. but still very close. ;)
remember to watch the clip at the end of the credits aswell.


I love this movie in every possible way you could Imagine. Heath Ledger together with Matt Damon, two very talented actors, really made this a brilliant movie. It's very spooky and dark and it never really stopped that eerie feeling throughout the film. I loved the way that some of the most well-known Brothers Grimm fairy tales somehow came into this, the way they were put out was brilliant and extremely creative. This is a must see for any fantasy movie fanatic like myself.


I am beggining to love Billy Bob Thornton - this movie is HILLARIOUS! Seriously dudes, I Laughed Out Loud so many times ..its a must see!

Best of the Series

OMG... it was BRILLIANT.. Im almost speechless. This is without a doubt my favourite of the Bourne Series [sofar]. Seriously, It was worth the wait from 2004 when the Bourne Surpremacy was out.... It cant get much better than this.
I really liked the style of directing, though to most people it might seem annoying, thats how the bourne movies are and thats how i love them..
OH, and if your going to see this (I highly recommend you do) please do yourself a favour and WATCH THE OTHERS first! I can just imagine seeing this without watching the others first and it would make hardly any sense at all!!
And i would love to see it again. Just after watching it im sure if i saw it again i would discover more things that didnt make as much sense at the time. But trust me people, if you just watch the movie everything will come into place.
Oh and the ending was just awesome. It was a great was to finish off the movie, and leaves space for another bourne movie if it were to happen. Even if Matt Damon wont do another movie, im sure Bourne could keep going, like.. a new 'James Bond' or something!!
T his movie well deserved the five stars.. if you havent seen the bourne movies you really should!! You have no idea what your missing out on..
I really liked the style of directing, though to most people it might seem annoying, thats how the bourne movies are and thats how i love them..
OH, and if your going to see this (I highly recommend you do) please do yourself a favour and WATCH THE OTHERS first! I can just imagine seeing this without watching the others first and it would make hardly any sense at all!!
And i would love to see it again. Just after watching it im sure if i saw it again i would discover more things that didnt make as much sense at the time. But trust me people, if you just watch the movie everything will come into place.
Oh and the ending was just awesome. It was a great was to finish off the movie, and leaves space for another bourne movie if it were to happen. Even if Matt Damon wont do another movie, im sure Bourne could keep going, like.. a new 'James Bond' or something!!
T his movie well deserved the five stars.. if you havent seen the bourne movies you really should!! You have no idea what your missing out on..

Love it

Completely.. This was the movie that made me realise what i fantastic actor Hugh Jackman is, and i love the horror/thriller film that this is. Van Helsing has an all-star cast (I loved how David Wenham was in it) and ofcourse an original story