Loved It

Oh my God... i loved it! Well, most of it that i saw. Ill have to watch it again - i missed the first 20 minutes or so.. mann Jude Law is amazing!!


I saw it!! Yess... now im not the only person in the world that hasn't... And yeah, it was pretty cool. Its a classic and definetly one of the best musicals ever.. though i can admit there were a few lame bits =S Oh, and 'You're the one that I want' was the best part!

See it now

Woah.. who would've thought this could be so good? The whole time I was watching it my eyes were 100% glued to the screen- not once was a bored of the story.
Reign Over Me is the story of Charlie Fineman, a man who lost his family in the September 11 attack, who runs into his old college roommate, Alan Johnson. When Alan finds Charlie still suffering from the grief of his family; isolated from everyone else, Alan is determined to help Charlie restore his life and emotionally become better. Itโs a sad story, though it may not sound like it. I certainly came close to tears.. But things like that just make this movie even better and more worthwhile watching.
Before this movie I only thought of Adam Sandler as a comedian, i had no idea that he could nail these types of movies, the story being so serious. But he truly couldn't have done any better; he made the movie a lot more interesting to watch and a lot more appealing for me to pick out. Another perfect cast choice - Don Cheadle - I havenโt really seen him in many other movies, but certainly by this i can conclude that he is an amazing actor. He played the part of Alan Johnson perfectly. I can't stress it any more.. I could tell him and Adam Sandler were great together in this movie. Liv Tyler, another fantastic performance. It sure was a while since I have seen her in a movie, but who would have thought this young actor from Lord of the Rings could have done such an amazing job.
I would definitely like to see it again sometime, but I have a feeling its one of those movies that is the most amazing the first time you see it ;D Hopefully by reading this it would have inspired you to see it- but if you havenโt already got the message.. Go and see it!
Reign Over Me is the story of Charlie Fineman, a man who lost his family in the September 11 attack, who runs into his old college roommate, Alan Johnson. When Alan finds Charlie still suffering from the grief of his family; isolated from everyone else, Alan is determined to help Charlie restore his life and emotionally become better. Itโs a sad story, though it may not sound like it. I certainly came close to tears.. But things like that just make this movie even better and more worthwhile watching.
Before this movie I only thought of Adam Sandler as a comedian, i had no idea that he could nail these types of movies, the story being so serious. But he truly couldn't have done any better; he made the movie a lot more interesting to watch and a lot more appealing for me to pick out. Another perfect cast choice - Don Cheadle - I havenโt really seen him in many other movies, but certainly by this i can conclude that he is an amazing actor. He played the part of Alan Johnson perfectly. I can't stress it any more.. I could tell him and Adam Sandler were great together in this movie. Liv Tyler, another fantastic performance. It sure was a while since I have seen her in a movie, but who would have thought this young actor from Lord of the Rings could have done such an amazing job.
I would definitely like to see it again sometime, but I have a feeling its one of those movies that is the most amazing the first time you see it ;D Hopefully by reading this it would have inspired you to see it- but if you havenโt already got the message.. Go and see it!


This movie is just as hilarious as Adam Sandler is. If not my all-time favourite of Adam Sandler's movies then its sure to come close.


I LOVE it! Tim Burton is a genious! Another great movie from him! Its hella funny, and a bit stupid. But thats what made it great.
Funn-eh movie about 'aliens' from mars invading earth. And what they use to stop them is hillarious just said. So many great actors and actresses in this movie, i was amazed in the opening credits of the amount of names i recognised. Some just to mention: Jack Nicholson, Peirce Brosnan, Michael J Fox, Natalie Portman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Danny DeVito, Jack Black, Tom Jones .... MANY more
I Definetly recommend this one, especially if you like Tim Burton, kinda the same feel as beetle juice, so if you like that you have to see this one! TIM BURTON ROCKS!
Funn-eh movie about 'aliens' from mars invading earth. And what they use to stop them is hillarious just said. So many great actors and actresses in this movie, i was amazed in the opening credits of the amount of names i recognised. Some just to mention: Jack Nicholson, Peirce Brosnan, Michael J Fox, Natalie Portman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Danny DeVito, Jack Black, Tom Jones .... MANY more
I Definetly recommend this one, especially if you like Tim Burton, kinda the same feel as beetle juice, so if you like that you have to see this one! TIM BURTON ROCKS!

Legally Funny

This movie is Legally funny!! Hilarious and i enjoyed the whole film start-to-finish!
If you're not sure about watching this movie, get it anyway, you'll enjoy it!
If you're not sure about watching this movie, get it anyway, you'll enjoy it!


Are you kidding?? I L-O-V-E-D this movie!! It made me fall in love with Mark Wahlberg and Jason Statham..

I, Robot review

I loved this movie. I have seen it heaps times and everytime i love it! Its a amazing story and a great cast.


I love it - its a perfect movie for its time. I enjoy watching this though it did keep me out of the water for a bit..


FIVE STARS ALL THE WAY! Yeeeew! LOVE it! Johnny Knoxville is... amazing! Its hard to believe they actually do all these things! They're complete Jackasses! But i have to admit it is hillarious to see!
MUST see this one, you may not love it like me but you will definetly laugh - either at how funny it is or how stupid it is - but you WILL laugh! pure entertainment to watch over and over again! Aand a lot better than the second one!
MUST see this one, you may not love it like me but you will definetly laugh - either at how funny it is or how stupid it is - but you WILL laugh! pure entertainment to watch over and over again! Aand a lot better than the second one!