Okay, so first off when i saw a preview for this movie i thought it would be one of those 'comedies' that try to be funny but turn out really lame ..i was wrong. Wild Hogs is hillarious! Though there were still parts that could have had improvement, most of it was great!!
Oh, and by the way it was a great choice of cast! Four amazing [and hillarious] guys together in one film! What can go wong??
Even just by watching the first 30 seconds you can tell its gonna be funny, i definetly recommend this!
Laugh-out-loud Comedy

Thumbs Up!

I wasnt too sure on seeing this, but i could tell from the first minute i was actually going to enjoy it.
The effects and animation surprised me. Seing it on the big screen at the cinema was mind blowing. Its amazing what we can do with a bunch of computers..
Oh and I just want to say that Shia LaBeouf and Jon Heder were two stand out hilarious voices in this movie. Its funny humour and origional style will keep you watching. Oh, and if you liked Happy Feet you will love this - so many penguin films lately =O
The effects and animation surprised me. Seing it on the big screen at the cinema was mind blowing. Its amazing what we can do with a bunch of computers..
Oh and I just want to say that Shia LaBeouf and Jon Heder were two stand out hilarious voices in this movie. Its funny humour and origional style will keep you watching. Oh, and if you liked Happy Feet you will love this - so many penguin films lately =O

Two Thumbs Up!

Aww.. This movie was so cute! I loved it! Being a comedy, It was also verrrry funny :) Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore are perfect together for this movie.. I really enjoyed it! Two thumbs up all the way!!

Chills and Thrills

Wow! I really liked this movie! I didnt expect it to be this good, for me to enjoy it this much, but i certainly did.
Denzel Washington is an awesome actor. He is so tallented in so many different ways and in that way he was perfect for his character in this movie.
Some parts very confusing i must admit, but most of the time i just sat back and enjoyed the chills and thrills of this movie! Its an easy 8/10 and probably deserves a higher rating.
Denzel Washington is an awesome actor. He is so tallented in so many different ways and in that way he was perfect for his character in this movie.
Some parts very confusing i must admit, but most of the time i just sat back and enjoyed the chills and thrills of this movie! Its an easy 8/10 and probably deserves a higher rating.

Really should see this

Now this is a good movie.
It pretty much covers everything i want in a movie - action, drama and some believable stuff.
This movie is all about Gridiron. Pretty obviously, so don't see this is you have no interest whatsoever in that.
It explores the life of teenage inmates, the fights, the gridiron, the drugs and shootings, the whole thing. The Rock is responsible for teaching these teenagers self respect, responsibilty and ofcourse gridiron.
Excellent choice of the rock as a probation officer to teach the inmates. Another great cast for this movie, Xzibit being another stand out actor.
This is definetely worth seeing, so get out there, get off ur ass, stop THINKING about seeing it and go out there and SEE IT! Inspiration Story that should be seen by all.
It pretty much covers everything i want in a movie - action, drama and some believable stuff.
This movie is all about Gridiron. Pretty obviously, so don't see this is you have no interest whatsoever in that.
It explores the life of teenage inmates, the fights, the gridiron, the drugs and shootings, the whole thing. The Rock is responsible for teaching these teenagers self respect, responsibilty and ofcourse gridiron.
Excellent choice of the rock as a probation officer to teach the inmates. Another great cast for this movie, Xzibit being another stand out actor.
This is definetely worth seeing, so get out there, get off ur ass, stop THINKING about seeing it and go out there and SEE IT! Inspiration Story that should be seen by all.

Pretty Awesome

Surprisingly good. I never wanted to get it but we ended up watching it and it sure was worth it! The only bad thing about it is that is it so sad!! It could have had a happier ending but oh well i enjoyed it all the same.
Oh and Paul Walker did a fantastic job as the lead role.
Oh and Paul Walker did a fantastic job as the lead role.


Really good and so intense. A great performance from Harrison Ford, he rocks! Only two bad things about it; Harrison Ford is too old to be a father in this movie-and a too predictable ending. Apart from that a great movie!

One of the Best Musicals

.. I wanna be a producer.. This is one of the few musicals that i have seen that i actually enjoyed. Matthew Broderic is hillarious! And Will Ferrel makes it even better :D

Inspirational for all

This movie was so good. It was exciting, inspirational, fast and thrilling. I would recommend you see this. Only bad thing about it is that Anthong Hopkins looks so damn old in it.


Superman has indeed returned, better than ever!!
At the start of this movie i was thinking "this is going to be a long and boring movie that will seem to go on forever". But i think as soon as Clark Kent was thinking back to his childhood, flying and jumping as superman does, i started to like it.
I'm not really much of a superman fan or anything, but i though i might try it because i hadnt seen anything "superman" for ages.
This was a great cast for all the roles, expecially Brandon Routh as superman, he just went with the role so well. Oh and Kevin Spacey was also the perfect superman villian.
I would recommend this even if you dislike superman, it is a great movie and the romance and action is fantastic.
The effects are great, but sometimes i just couldn't help thinking "that is so obviously fake!", but some of the things that happen are unbelievable, so it works out.
At the start of this movie i was thinking "this is going to be a long and boring movie that will seem to go on forever". But i think as soon as Clark Kent was thinking back to his childhood, flying and jumping as superman does, i started to like it.
I'm not really much of a superman fan or anything, but i though i might try it because i hadnt seen anything "superman" for ages.
This was a great cast for all the roles, expecially Brandon Routh as superman, he just went with the role so well. Oh and Kevin Spacey was also the perfect superman villian.
I would recommend this even if you dislike superman, it is a great movie and the romance and action is fantastic.
The effects are great, but sometimes i just couldn't help thinking "that is so obviously fake!", but some of the things that happen are unbelievable, so it works out.